Meet the Team here at A Sacred Sanctuary

Traci Gallagher

Founder & Master Healer/Facilitator

Traci Gallagher is a certified Ma’Heo’O, Usui & Animal Reiki Master and Animal Communicator, Certified Equine Assisted Facilitator & Life Coach, Sound Healer, Reflexologist, Intuitive Psychic Guide, Emotion Code Practioner,  Journey To Wholeness Facilitator (past & future life regressionist) Womb Priestess, Cacao Ceremonialist, Motivational Speaker, Numerologist, Wisdom Keeper, Alchemist, Crystal Healer ,Wayshower & Truth Seeker. ◦ Traci is the founder of A Sacred Sanctuary.  A Sacred Sanctuary was born from Traci's own journey to overcome childhood trauma (abuse, abandonment, grief and inter-generational wounds) and ultimately burnout that was created by 22 years of working in a high-level position within corporate America that led to health problems, depression & addiction. ◦ Ultimately the death of a close family member had her searching for the true meaning to life. She began meditating, fasting and studying alternative healing modalities, plant medicine and nutrition so she could heal her mind, body and spirt, thus returning them to homeostasis. She brings the lessons she acquired during her own journey to her healing work with clients and countless certifications in multiple modalities.

In her free time, she can be found in the pasture with her horses & other four legged’s , in nature, in service to others, with family or continuing her insatiable desire to learn so that she may continue offering the greatest & highest good for humanity.

"The only place I desire to lead people is back to their selves"-Traci

Timmy Gallagher

Sound Healer & Gnostic

Timmy our resident Sound Healer & Gnostic.


Medicine Horse

Our beloved Journey Girl a real special paint horse. Shes a sassy one, but once she gives you her heart, she's loyal & loving to the end.


Medicine Horse

Our biggest baby & lover here on the farm our beloved Indigo.

Nyah Wey

Livestock Guardian & Protector

Our beloved German Shepard of many years now works tirelessly to oversee and protect all animals & people here on the farm.