Welcome to A Sacred Sanctuary, a Wellness & Retreat Center with an emphasis on Love, healing & Transformation! Our Sacred Sanctuary is a humble pie place filled with magic, laughter, good vibes, and sacred healing modalities that allow your higher self to empower ,activate & evolve into your own unique expression of divinity!

Here at A Sacred Sanctuary the medicines we employ include Ma'Heo'O Reiki  Master, Usui Reiki, Horse Healing , Sound Healing, Emotion Coding ,Animal Reiki & Communication , Reflexology, Plant Medicines, Courses in spirituality as well as esoteric knowledge, Cacao Ceremony, Intuitive Psychic Guidance & Spiritual Development Coaching all which facilitates deep healing on all levels of the mind, body & spirit. 

Founders Tim & Traci Gallagher ( Amora & Amir Sun) have incarnated during this most beautiful time to be alive as Wayshowers & have been called upon to walk the sacred path of service for humanity's greatest & highest good!

    A Sacred Path of Service focusing on:
               7 Areas of Life
               Emotional Balance
               Parental Wounds
              Inner Child Healing
             Raising Ones Vibration
             Releasing & Receiving
             Life Coaching
            Energy Work & Healing
            Somatic Body Work
            Womb Healing
           Emotion Code
       Chakra Alignment & Balancing
           Sound Healing

           Holistic Health 
           Animal Welfare
     Animal Communication & Reiki

           Earth Connection
            Nature Hikes
         Childhood Trauma
         Sexual Abuse 

         Returning to Homeostasis
        Esoteric & Spiritual Knowledge          Numerology

If you have questions about any of our services or treatments, we offer please feel free to reach out anytime we welcome a connection!!!

Our Team


Tim & Traci Gallagher founders of A Sacred Sanctuary


Paint Quarter Horse


Blue Roan Quarter Horse

Journey & Indigo

Pasture Mates