Treatments that Transform!

MA'HEO'O Reiki

 Reiki Session also includes Sound Healing. 1 hour. See below details.

$111 per hr.

Intuitive Psychic Guidance Session 

  1-hour Session offering Psychic Guidance to assist your mind, body & spirit for your greatest & highest good.

$134 per hr.

Journey To Wholeness

1-2 hr. Guided Session where you will be regressed into past life's, future lives, and or another dimension potentially depending on the question you would like to innerstand or the healing you would like to receive in that now moment. Full details below.

$134 per hr.

Horse Medicine or Equine Assisted Facilitation

 1 hour Session interacting, healing, or communicating with a horse. See below for further details.

$134 per hr.

Emotion Code Session

Up to one hour emotion code session (see below details)

$111 per hr.

Sacred Sound Healing Session

1 hour Personal Sound Healing session

$134 per hr.


 60 min of Reflexology

 $134 per hr.

Womb Healing/Activation

1 hour Womb Healing Session

$111 per hr.

Numerology Reading

1 hour session reviewing your life path, life destiny, personal year, karmic lessons & debt numbers as well as Astrology Basics. See below for further details.

$111 per hr.

Animal Communication

 Up to an hour of communicating with your animal remotely or in person.

$88 per hr.

Distance/Remote Reiki Session

Remote Reiki Treatment for anyone in the world regardless of location.

$134 per hr.

Chakra Alignment

 Session includes grounding, chakra alignment, meditation, possible Reiki & crystal healing.

$111 per hr.

MA'HEO'O  Reiki  Level 1 Certification Program

2 day Reiki Certification training Program

$333 Group, Individual $555

MA'HEO'O Reiki Level 2 Certification Program

2 day Reiki Certification training Program

$333 Group, Individual $555

Sound Healing Certification Level 1

Certification Course


Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Emotion Code Session?

The Emotion Code® is an energy healing technique used to discover and release possible underlying energetic causes of mental, emotional, and physical issues. We believe that 80% of imbalances that we suffer are emotional in nature. During a session we identify and release trapped emotions, which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events, that are potentially contributing to a range of issues. The Emotion Code is designed to help you ease emotional wounds, break self-sabotage, restore love to relationships and alleviate physical discomfort. The Emotion Code is a simple and effective way to identify and release your emotional baggage (trapped emotions).

 How does an Emotion Code or Body Code Session work? An Emotion Code or Body Code session is painless and non-invasive. It’s a simple process designed to use muscle testing to tap into the knowledge stored in your subconscious mind. Your practitioner will begin the session by connecting to your energy. This is done by intentionally focusing on you, the client. Once an energetic connection is made the practitioner will ask your subconscious mind series of simple yes/no questions, assessing the biofeedback response via muscle testing. Muscle testing is used to get answers from your subconscious mind. This process identifies imbalances that may be affecting your physical and emotional wellness. Then, your practitioner works to release those energies one at a time using magnetic energy and principles of ancient Chinese medicine.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an integrative therapy "in which the practitioner places their hands lightly on or just above the person, with the goal of facilitating their own healing response" Reiki is the manipulation or removal of stored trauma, emotions or stagnant energy within the body. When the body is not at ease DIS-ease sets in. Reiki is a beautiful healing modality that allows for this energy to be witnessed, loved, and released so that the body may return to homeostasis. (National Institute of Health website 2015)
Research studies on Reiki Therapy have consistently noted these outcomes: lower levels of pain and anxiety; feelings of deep relaxation; and reduced stress. Reiki Therapy is considered to be very safe, with no negative side-effects noted in research studies.
Reiki Therapy sessions are done fully clothed and can be done either seated in a chair or laying on a massage table. To clarify Reiki is not a massage. 

What is Animal Communication?

Put simply, animal communication is a silent, telepathic language that functions via deepened intuition. Animal communication is not about deciphering an animal’s body language or behavior. It’s an actual exchange of information between myself as a communicator and the animal in the form of words, mental images, feelings and more.

What is Equine Assisted Therapy or Horse Medicine?

Equine Assisted Therapy is emotional healing encouraged by interaction with horses. Research has proven Equine Assisted Therapy is helpful with various needs, ranging from anxiety, depression, abuse, eating disorders, addiction, autism, ADHD & a range of other mental health disorders. The therapy we offer is all on the ground, we DO NOT offer riding currently.

What level Reiki & what is Distance Reiki?

Traci Gallagher is a Reiki Master. Are you thinking of doing a distance session with me? Great! You can do your session with me from anywhere in the world! Not everybody understands that you can tap into, send, and receive energy from anywhere. This is a common misconception that many clients have and they believe that psychic readings, Reiki, and other forms of energy work can only be done in person. This is completely understandable if you have never experienced a remote session and haven’t learned differently! EVERYTHING is energy! Spirit, our Guides, Ascended Master Teachers, and our highest self transcend space and time. That connection is energy in its purest form and can not be confined to our idea of space and time! We are ALL connected to this wondrous energy grid that we share with the Universe and when we are open, we can receive the most incredible gifts of guidance, connection, balance, and activation anytime that we need it! Remote energy work, light work, and psychic readings can also be described as a compassionate energetic and mental act channeled and directed toward the health and wellbeing of a distant person and include numerous modalities such as prayer, energy healing, quantum touch, and shamanic healing. Always, always being done only with the recipients permission. 

Do you offer a Referral discount?

To express my gratitude for your referrals I offer 20% off 1 session for every one referral that completes a session.

What is a Chakra Alignment Session?

Have you ever felt unexplained pain in a certain part of your body? Or maybe you’re experiencing a lack of creativity, or don’t know how to express your emotions? All of these life instances of pain and emotion can be traced back to the seven chakras and may indicate that one of them is imbalanced or blocked. However, it does not mean once you discover a blocked chakra that it is stuck this way forever. There are ways on how to align your chakras through chakra alignment exercises, and doing so can benefit your mind, body & spirit. When these seven chakras are functioning well and energy is flowing through, we are healthy in our mind, body, and spirit. However, if our chakras are functioning improperly, or experiencing blockages, we can notice how it affects our lives through our feelings both physically, emotionally, and mentally. Using energy, crystals, exercises, intention & other modalities we can bring these 7 energy centers back into alignment allowing you to return to homeostasis.

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a type of massage or touch therapy that involves applying pressure to the feet, hands, face, ears or lower legs – trigger points in these areas are believed to relate to certain organs or systems in the body that need healing. Research suggests that reflexology can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

What is a Womb Healing & or Activation?

 The purpose of a Womb healing is to transmute that which no longer serves you, connect you to your inner feminine wisdom and power, and fully activate and awaken your womb, so that you can immaculately birth children or projects, and be who you came here to be, untethered to past traumas and lineage wounding. Womb healing creates freedom from past traumas and creates a renewed sense of safety in the body. Many women report after healing their wombs, a deep trust in life and in yourself an intimate connection to your own body, clarity around your Souls path, increased sensation and pleasure, more connection, to self, others, and nature, an increased creative flow & increased magnetism.

Medical Disclaimer

Reiki, Energy healing, Sound Healing, Reflexology are all complementary services. and are not a substitute for medical diagnosis and or medical care. 

Cancellation Policy?

For cancellations, please kindly send a text or email at least 24 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment time. By booking, you authorize A Sacred Sanctuary to charge your credit card a no-show fee of up to 100% of the scheduled value should you miss your visit without proper notification.

What  is a Numerology Reading?

Do you find yourself looking at the clock at a specific time far too often to be considered a coincidence? Is your circle of friends filled with people born on the same day or the same month? Have you been seeing your lucky number in the most random of places recently? Well, the answers to all your burning questions can be found within the esoteric energies and universal language of basic numbers.  Numerology is the belief in an occult, divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. It is also the study of the numerical value, via an alphanumeric system, of the letters in words and names. In a 1 hour session with me we will decode your Life Path Number, Destiny Number, Soul Purpose, Personal Year, Love & Best Career for your chosen Life Path Number.

What does Journey to Wholeness mean?

Past life regressions offer a unique perspective on the person’s soul journey (taking people into the past and parallel lives, and even, at times, into the potential futures). The purpose of such journeys can be to satisfy curiosity about the lives one might have lived or to gain insight about the impact of those lives on the present. The session can assist in identifying long-standing soul patterns and release physical and emotional trauma accumulated over lifetimes. Past life regressions can be helpful in healing phobias (fears that have no known origin in our current life). They can offer a way to stabilize mental and emotional energy in a way that is most beneficial to our current life. They also give us the ability to release the trauma of the past and to adjust the Akashic Record (record of all soul experiences) so that traumatic events recede into the background. Journey to Wholeness past life regressions does not involve Hypnosis, but yet a guided journey into the life the client seeks answers from allowing them to return to Wholeness.