Current Course line up:

Ma'Heo'O Reiki Certification Program & Other Enrichment Offerings

Ma'Heo'O Reiki Level 1 Certification 

 I would be honored to be your Ma’heo’o Master Reiki Teacher! Being a conduit for passing down this beautiful Native American inspired system of healing is one of my greatest passions! Ma’heo’o translated means Great Spirit or Great One. The word Ma’heo’o is Cheyenne, a Native American language. This system of energy combines the elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire with the Great Spirit to effectively activate and promote healing in the human condition. Ma’heo’o combines the gentle energy of Reiki with the raw power of earth elements, the nurturing connection of Great Spirit, and the sacred practice of using the Medicine Wheel into a unified system. Ma’heo’o Reiki can bring you more into balance with your highest self, your soul purpose, and your personal sacred path! This beautiful Native American inspired healing system can also greatly deepen your intuition and your abilities as a healer and light worker! This certification and attunement is offered in 2 levels. Each level is about 4 hours long, includes training manual and materials, The ceremonial and sacred attunements for each level, certificate (given at the end of each workshop), and ongoing mentorship and practice with supplemental teachings. NO previous Reiki experience is required! You WILL be learning about traditional Reiki as it relates to Ma’Heo during this level I Ma’Heo’o course!
What happens during this certification workshop: Opening ceremony and meditation to become centered and welcome our Spirit Elders What Ma’Hao’O Reiki is and what it isn’t What is Traditional Reiki energy healing and how does it relate to Ma’Heo’o Reiki? Following your Sacred Path Learn about the Earth Elements and how they can heal, inspire, and empower others Shamanic Journey to be introduced to your main Ma’Heo’ O Spirit Guide Learn about the medicine wheel and how to incorporate it into your Ma’Heo’O sessions The first three Ma’Heo’O symbols. their meanings, and uses in sessions Ma’Heo’O ceremonial attunement to the first three symbols. Next class offering April 20th & 21st 

** The fee for this certification class is $333 group or $555 individual. registration can be found under the events section.


Akashic Record Certification 

What are the Akashic Records? The Akashic Records are the Wisdom in the Sky. Akash is Sanskrit for sky, and they were named the Akashic Records by people who believed they were in the sky, just as they believed that heaven was above the Earth. Just as each of us has an energetic battery and generate our own personal energy, the Akashic Records are an energy field that was created by Source, where all knowledge exists. They suggest that we imagine them as a limitless cloud of energy particles or matter - lighter than air – graceful, flowing, swirling, fluid – and filled with small points of light. Each point of light within their field represents a piece of knowledge contained within them. Each of these points of light represents information about a person, place or thing. The Records hold all knowledge and information about (and for) each person (soul), all living things (animals, trees, organisms), all objects (crystals, mountains, places) and each action (building the pyramids, the destruction of Atlantis, the birth of a new star.) They hold all knowledge and information about what has happened, what is currently happening, and what is possible in the future. If it makes you feel more comfortable, you may imagine the Records as a library of books. It matters not what you think the Records look like. What is important is to know that they are the holders of all knowledge, and that their purpose is to lovingly support us by providing an additional source of connection to Source, and by sharing their universal wisdom.

Learn to Open and Explore Your Akashic Records with Janie MacMillan

What is in it for you? Why should you learn to access your Records?

Connecting to and exploring your Akashic Records gives you access to their unconditional love, support and wisdom. Your Akashic Records have been with you through every incarnation and experience that you have ever had. Their wisdom is founded on their understanding of your ideas, dreams, and experiences. •Help you move past everyday worry and stress •Help you feel better equipped to make decisions and navigate change with more confidence. •Offer a safe and powerful arena for healing and growth: Learn how past lives are influencing your current life, and release patterns, vows or contracts Discover what positive traits or gifts you brought into this life Accelerate your growth by activating your gifts or other beneficial resources such as clarity, wisdom, and compassion The Records help us feel a sense of connection. They are a reminder that we are never alone – and that we are always in the light of the Divine. Includes: •Pre-training Attunement from the Records •Training manual with at least 14 customized Integration Processes •Two guided meditations to help you connect to your heart & “clairs” •Akashic Illumination Deck to accelerate your learning.  

Next Certification Workshop 2 days October 5th & 6th 10am-6pm
Exchange: $555
This class size is being limited to only 8 participants in order to keep the experience as one on one as possible & for a more intimate experience.
Date: Saturday October 5th 10am-6pm & Sunday October 6th 10am-6pm Address :6235 London Groveport Rd Grove City Ohio 43123 Phone: 614-554-0141 Time: 2 days Saturday October 5th & Sunday October 6th 10am-6pm Exchange: $555 includes certification, Akashic Record Illumination Deck, printed handbook, 2 follow up zoom calls for questions & follow up.    

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Astrology 101


To truly understand astrology, you have to know that it’s a science, a scholarly study, an art form, a language, and a divination tool all at once. Astrology, an ancient and multifaceted discipline, delves into the profound connections believed to exist between celestial bodies and human affairs. It serves as a symbolic language that interprets the positions and movements of planets, stars, and other celestial entities to unlock insights into various aspects of life. At its essence, astrology explores the notion that the celestial realm and the human experience on Earth are intricately intertwined. Astrology holds that the arrangement of celestial bodies at the time of an individual's birth can exert an influence over their personality traits, relationships, and significant life events Billionaires follow Astrology, millionaires do not… Now I might not be a millionaire however I do follow Astrology. Why you might wonder…to understand the energies that are at play within the Universe that affect me & Everything around me We will learn & study the basics of Astrology, each Zodiac sign, the meaning & energy behind each one, the planets, houses and how to run a birth or natal chart. We will learn how to create a natal birth chart, so please come with the date, time & location you were born. Next Class: TBD


Numerology 101

Discover the powerful influence, meaning & vibration of numbers! Numerology is the study of numbers and their energetic influence on our lives. Because we see and interact with numbers every day, it's easy to take them for granted. But numbers are symbols that carry energetic vibrations which impact humanity on a cosmic level. All number's vibrations are unique and, therefore, each affects us in a different way. Numerology can be used to find direction and meaning in your life. It can also be used for forecasting, to see what kind of energy will be influencing you in the future. Many people even use Numerology as a resource when naming a child or business. The numbers present in a name impact its overall personality and potential, so some will put great intention into choosing a name that brings the desired results. Your birthday is made up entirely of numbers. Even the letters in your name correspond with specific numbers. There are numbers in your age, your address, your phone number, your paycheck... They are all around you -- and within you! The most direct way that they affect your energies is from your very own Numerology chart. The numbers in your chart -- like your Life Path and other core numbers -- influence you in very personal ways because they are derived from YOUR birth date and full name. We will also decode each person's name, birthdate & life path number! This is just a sampling of what you will learn in this Numerology Class for Beginners. Come spend time learning with other likeminded souls attempting to figure out the keys to the Universe. 
Next Class TBA
Printed material provided.


Sound Healing Certification

This course is for people who know nothing about Sound Healing and would like to get a general overview of the different instruments that can be used. We will also go over the basics of how to play some of the most widely used instruments. Students will learn history and theory about where sound healing came from, the origins of instruments, how the instruments were used culturally, honor the cultures of these teachings, and how sound healing has evolved into what it is now. No musical training required, these instruments are all primarily intuitive and can be played within about 0-2 hours. This course is great for adding to an existing modality such as: -Yoga -Massage -Reiki/ Energy Healers -Therapists -Hospice Workers Or anything else you can apply relaxation and introspection to! The program is also designed to support the sustainability of having an aligned business in Sound Healing as well as becoming a highly skillful facilitator. Do what you love! Be a catalyst for change!

Class 4-6 hrs long

Practice on more than 30 Instruments

Personal Instruction on Sound Session as well as a Sound Bath.

Printed 60 page workbook

Certificate of Achievement

$222/$444 Group/Personal


Ma'Heo'O Reiki Level 2 Certification 

Ma’Heo’o Reiki Level II Certification! Dive deeper into the world of Great Spirit and be attuned to the final 4 Symbols and their healing energy! What guests will experience: Greetings, Opening Meditation, Cleansing/Clearing ,Offerings to Great Spirit Group discussion/Experiences since being attuned to level I/ Feedback on Medicine Wheel homework. Diving into the chakras with Ma’Heo’o! Meditation using the 5 Elements and the Ma’Heo’o symbol to address the chakras Ma’Heo’O Level 2 Symbols, their meanings, and application Shamanic Journey to connect with your main Ma’heo’O Spirit guide or Elder. Level 2 Attunements & Ceremony/ This will be done individually Closing Meditation, re-grounding and thank our Elders.

** The fee for this certification class is $333 group or $555 individual


Ma'Heo'O Reiki Master Level Certification 

Get ready to be immersed in an in-depth exploration of Reiki energy and your relationship to it as a healer! Everything I know and experience as a Master Energy Healer, how energy works, our intuitive powers, our connection to our guides and angels, the spirit of healership, and so much more is woven together to create this deep dive into Advanced Reiki. With Reiki Master Level, you will be encouraged to embody and integrate reiki into your life so it becomes who you are rather than just what you do. Reiki Master Level relates to self mastery which we know doesn’t happen overnight! It is a process of living and learning, but from a place of inner power. It is about knowing who you are and stepping into a life to reflect who you are. It is about being true to yourself, loving yourself unconditionally, and of being of service in this world according to your innate abilities and talents, while at the same time fulfilling your highest purpose. With Reiki as one of our greatest healing and activating tools, we can do and be ALL of these things! During this powerful 1 day workshop you will: Receive Master Level attunement for the Master symbols Learn ways to work with the Master symbols in conjunction with the other symbols How to make a Reiki grid with the Antahkarana symbol to send activate sending Reiki to yourself and others Learn a better understanding of your experiences giving and receiving Reiki Learn and Practice exercises that heighten the channeling of Reiki in specific energetic centers (chakras, hara line, meridians, and auric field for example) Symbol Practice: how to use the Master Symbols. Hands-on practice to strengthen your abilities The class is a combination of lecture, discussion, ceremony, demonstration and practice. The Advanced/ MasterReiki Placement is an enlightening and transformational energy attunement that enables you to use the Master symbols in your life and in your healing work! Students who complete this Reiki Master level are then eligible to move onto Reiki Master Teacher level where students are attuned to the Master Teacher symbols, learn Master Teacher ethics, how to teach Reiki, and attune students to all Reiki symbols!

 ** The fee for this certification class is $333 group or $555 individual