
We are so honored to receive such heartfelt reviews!!!

The sanctuary is amazing. Beautiful and calming as soon as you walk in. Sitting down with Traci and talking came so easy for me. My session was freeing. I had chills at times and for her to put into words things I have not been able to understand has been helpful and key. I know it is time to truly heal me, and I am so thankful I had a session with Traci. Traci has suggested things for me to use to begin my journey and I am excited to see where this takes me. Traci is a beautiful soul inside and out. She has so much to give and I will have another session and recommend her. Love and Light

Tisha Woolwine

Sessions with Traci have been so beneficial in my healing journey that I continue to travel over two hours (each way) for sessions with her. I love the way she combines Reiki, Sound, and Essential oils making the experience quite unique. I highly recommend Traci at A Sacred Sanctuary. I have referred family, friends, and even strangers who have commented on my crystal jewelry at an Equine event. Set up your first appointment soon. You will not regret it

Nicole Luttrell

I’ve been on a mystical journey, learning who I am at a soul level, and exploring the deeper meaning of life since I entered my 40s. Traci was recommend by a friend, on a similar journey and insisted I go to see her. I’ve had energy healing done by several practitioners, but I was very impressed with her intuitive abilities. Anything she’s recommended to me, I either had been doing, or had awareness that I needed to. I’ve experienced some positive shifts in my life, since I began seeing her. A few months ago, I was having some behavioral issues with my 13 y/o daughter. I was struggling! I had several different healers to choose from, but my intuition kept saying, “It’s Traci”. Ella has had reiki and a couple of horse therapy sessions, and when I say that I have a different child, I mean it! This was a much better alternative than traditional therapy, which was the route we were planning to take. Wherever you are on your journey, Tracie is sure to be a valuable way-shower. Not to mention, Sacred Sanctuary feels like walking into heaven. The smells, the sounds, the crystals… It’s a unique experience. I cannot recommend Traci enough!

Mindy Sharp

.I was WOWED by the full moon ceremony. I have been in a dark place for the last three years. The cacao and sound bath ceremony created a positive shift within me. I experienced high vibrational energy throughout the sound bath with the results that my emotions were balanced and aligned. I had tears of joy running down my face during the sound bath along other positive experiences. I have felt happier and more balanced since the ceremony. This experience was a turning point for me and I feel I am on the road out of the dark night and back into the light.

Jenny Bissmyer

 I attended your wonderful Healing Workshop Friday evening, which I thoroughly enjoyed! It gave me a sense of renewal, just in that short period of time. It was so worth the drive for me, and gave me such warm and fond memories to reflect on. I can only imagine the impact your additional Healing services make with those who take advantage of them. I felt a calmness and energy boost this weekend after attending and am grateful that I listened to my inner voice of encouragement and took the liberty to pursue your event.

Shelley Bates

 Find your Serenity while at A Sacred Sanctuary!

person's hang reaching out sunlight


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