Start Your Journey of Healing & Transformation
A Sacred Sanctuary – Columbus Ohio

Welcome to A Sacred Sanctuary, a Wellness & Retreat Center with an emphasis on love, healing & transformation!
Our Sacred Sanctuary for the Soul is a gentle and grounded space filled with love, magic, laughter and good vibes. You have found your tribe!

Do you find yourself …
Burning out in a masculine paradigm? Highly sensitive and empathic, feeling stuck or uncertain on how to move ahead? Overwhelmed by the state of the world? Held back by fear or self-doubt? Lacking the confidence to share your voice? Tired of doing it all alone?
Are you ready to …
Embrace your divine feminine essence? Be an embodiment of love to serve planetary awakening? Step into your greatest service, and share your gifts as a teacher and a guide? Have the structure and support to make it all happen? Own your worth and live life on your own terms? Invest in the support of an encouraging guide, someone who has done it all before?
Find purpose in your pain …
Step into deep alignment with your soul calling and heart’s truest path
Heal wounds of unworthiness and trauma to live from a place of freedom and self-trust
Step into alignment and true prosperity
Manifest a lifestyle (and/or business) in alignment with feminine values ~ ie. a flexible schedule, time for family, self-care, and spiritual practices
Reach more people and make a bigger impact through sharing your unique gifts and message
Finally have the courage and blueprint to follow to get out there and do the work your heart has been calling out for you to do
Some of the most precious things in life are born from struggle.
I am here to help you create your future of harmony, peace, and living a life of purpose!
My name is Traci Gallagher, Founder and Host of A Sacred Sanctuary. I see you. I feel you. A mixture of trauma, illness and complete mental burnout found me in that position a few years back too. But I can truly say that it doesn’t have to feel like that or be that way always. My healing journey continues, but I feel peace, harmony, love and wholeness again, and my life’s great calling now is to give back to humanity and share my abundance with others.
Using an alchemization of sacred healing modalities, intuitive psychic guidance and spiritual counselling, I will help you break through the darkness and step into the light. During our impactful healing sessions, you will start to feel connected to the divine love and life force energy that resonates with your soul and your true essence.
Whether you come for one-to-one sacred healing, or join us on one of our many events, courses or retreats, I am here to support and encourage your rejuvenation, and transcendence to wellness, oneness and your Highest Self.
“Be the change you wish to see in the world”
[Mahatma Ghandi]
Our approach to sacred healing
The medicines and modalities we use at A Sacred Sanctuary include:
Animal Communication
Distance/ Remote Reiki
Emotion Code
Energy Healing/ Reiki
Fire & Ice
Foot Reflexology
Healing With Horses
Intuitive Psychic Guidance
Journey Together: Couples & Group Sessions
Life Transformation
Plant Medicine
Past Life Regression
Sacred Sound Healing
Somatic Therapy
Spiritual Counseling
Womb Healing & Activation
We also run retreats, events, ceremonies and courses.

Soul Work
Explore our one-to-one therapies and sessions, for both people and animals, and book online.
Events & Ceremonies
Book one of our upcoming events and ceremonies, including dedicated womens’ retreats.
“Wherever you are on your journey, Traci is sure to be a valuable way-shower. Not to mention, Sacred Sanctuary feels like walking into heaven!”
Mindy Sharp
More Testimonials
I was WOWED by the full moon ceremony. I have been in a dark place for the last three years. The cacao and sound bath ceremony created a positive shift within me. I experienced high vibrational energy throughout the sound bath with the results that my emotions were balanced and aligned. I had tears of joy running down my face during the sound bath along other positive experiences. I have felt happier and more balanced since the ceremony.
This experience was a turning point for me and I feel I am on the road out of the dark night and back into the light.
The sanctuary is amazing. Beautiful and calming as soon as you walk in. Sitting down with Traci and talking came so easy for me. My session was freeing. I had chills at times and for her to put into words things I have not been able to understand has been helpful and key. I know it is time to truly heal me, and I am so thankful I had a session with Traci.
Traci has suggested things for me to use to begin my journey and I am excited to see where this takes me. Traci is a beautiful soul inside and out. She has so much to give and I will have another session and recommend her. Love and Light.
Your Hosts
Traci and Tim Gallagher have incarnated during this most beautiful time to be alive as soul workers, energy healers, spiritual teachers, and wisdom keepers.
As Wayshowers we have been called upon to walk the sacred path of service for humanity’s greatest and highest good!